Programs and projects

  • Trainings Open or Close



    As self improvement and enhancement in the social work (social work integration), the JWCS always insures connecting with several institutions in the governorate, the country and foreign institutions for support to continue servicing the community .

    The collaboration starts from the local authorities, like the Governorate which hold many trainings and workshops that enhance the knowledge of the staff. Moreover, the collaboration and partnerships with the local authorities like the Municipality and the Ministry of Education for joint activities that benefit the students or the Ministry of Health and the Police for the Progress of the Legal and Social aid program. Furthermore, there are many partnerships with local charitable societies in the Jericho and Jordan valley.

    The JWCS not only focuses on major grants but also on local and day to day collaborations for the benefit of children and orphans through educational, cultural and sport activities and workshops or trainings for women. These collaborations happen with other societies in the country and different NGOs that are involved with children and women or human rights like Right To Play.

    The JWCS has partnered with several organizations and it succeeded in providing a platform for them in Jericho in order to implement their projects in the region and facilitate their job to offer their services to the local community. Some of the international projects that have been accomplished are the French project for vocational training of women in Jericho. This project involves the help of the JWCS in organizing and providing 3 months long training in the topics of house productive gardens, touristic grafts and food production security in the Jordan valley as a figure of economical empowerment of women. Also the grant given by the Canadian Embassy for the creation of the food production department and proving its equipments, plus small grants for developing some departments received from JICA for sewing machines and the USAID for the labs. And the one year project with the Italian cooperation that provided 100 children with meals for a whole year.

  • Legal And Social Aid Program Open or Close


    The program was opened in March 2016 with the support and funding by our partners the Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC). This department aims to relief and guide abused women in Jericho and the Jordan Valley by giving them a platform of social and legal aid. The department is composed of two trained social workers partnered with two specialized lawyers forming 2 teams of social and legal aid.  This project will develop to include mobile stations of aid toward the more remote areas and villages in the Jordan Valley so help would reach victims more easily.

    The creation of the program will comprise providing specialized trainings for the staff in capacity building, facilitating, guidance, deep analysis of society culture, and legal training. In order to keep our service optimum in providing legal and social help to the women in the area, the staff undergoes specialized supervision. Our work also extends to holding awareness meetings for men and women in legal and social rights over the region, and providing brochures containing legal information for easier access of the information to the community.

    Our services will be provided in the headquarters of the JWCS in addition to the permanent locations chosen in the villages of the Jordan valley for easier access to the women. Since the JWCS promotes collaboration with the other women’s societies in the region, we hold our awareness lectures in different locations belonging to peer organizations, to further distribute our message and benefit a larger audience.


    In our vision, empowering women starts with knowledge, knowledge of their rights and their prerogatives. Thus we build a platform where the whole local society has the basic insight and comprehension and is standing on equal footing for them later to step forward in claiming equality, fairness and improving their rights.

    Some of the topics that the program may work on and provide its services for the women of the region are; alimony, divorce, custody, dowry, financial rights and compensation for divorce cases.


  • Orphans Sponsorship Open or Close

    The JWCS takes to heart helping the less fortunate in our society by providing orphans sponsorship in addition to food stamps and gift certificates for the less fortunate students and families, but our beneficial work doest stop there, since the JWCS regards highly education, we do not forget its supplies, and provide some needing students with school bags and stationary. All this aid is sponsored by the local institutions, companies and community.

  • Eid Apparel Open or Close

    During Islamic holidays the JWCS distributes clothes and meat to the local community in accordance to our habits and culture. In addition to organizing group Eftar in the holy month of Ramadan.

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